Wednesday, May 21, 2008


So Mother's day, in case you missed it, was last week. And I have been fully intending to post about my mom since then, but it's been *slightly* busy, and besides, I went and visited my mom that day, and I know that between that and the sappy card I gave her, she really doesn't need this post. But I do.

First, let me give a shout out to all the women who have had mothering influences in my life - my grandmas, my aunties, Diane G, Carol B, Leona N, Shauna H, Leanne D, Cathy C, Marge A, and Myrna W. I carry with me a sense of having a super-huge extended family everywhere I go because of these ladies, and I love you all for different reasons!

But on to my mom. She's, quite simply, the best. Part of the reason it's taken me so long to post this, is that I wanted to get my lists complete. I finally realized they never will be, so here's the partial list:

Things I plan to do for my kids, just like my mom did (and does)for me:
1) Unconditional love, of course...and hugs in abundance.
2) Demonstrate affection towards their dad, in front of them.
3) Chats (serious or otherwise) at the kitchen table over a cup of tea.
4) Stand back and let my kids learn from their own mistakes and choices.
5) Make a point of family meals together as a chance to connect with each other.
6) Call regularly to chat/update even when there's nothing new.
7) Stay involved in my community, and provide leadership and vision. I'm only just beginning to realize what a profound impact that has had on my life.
8) Show my own mom the love and respect that she deserves.

Reasons I know my mom loves me:
1) A couple of times in my university days, she sent me little cards in the mail that were expressly so I'd get something that wasn't a bill. (I still have one of those notes tucked away somewhere.)
2) She calls at least once a week, but knows if I don't call, it's likely because things are pretty good with me.
3) Every time I've changed addresses, the blessed woman has cleaned the old place (including vacuuming cat hair) and helped me clean the new place too, while the rest of us have loaded boxes. She also came over last summer to help paint, and install my new flooring.
4) She keeps track of all my friends, their spouses, and their kids (or tries to - and does very well!)
5) She stayed home with us when we were kids, until we were all in school, and then worked just a few days a week outside of the home. This meant a lot of sacrifices on her part (and my dad's), but it meant the world to us.
6) I know she will come and look after me any time, if things are bad, and I just ask.
7) She worries about me (and my brothers)... a lot. But never in an overbearing way. :-)
8) She never complains, no matter how many pairs of pants I bring home to have shortened...but she does try to teach me how to do it myself. :-)

Classic Mom Moments:
(some of these moments happen all the time, and some are one-time-only things that I remember her saying)
1) "Every child needs to have somebody that's crazy about them."
2) "I trust you until I have a reason not to... then... LOOK OUT."
3) "It's your decision.... but you know what I think." ;-)
4) "You know, a solid relationship needs to be based on more than just having a lot in common."
5) "You can marry whoever you want, wherever you want, whenever you want. I won't interfere. As long as I have a front row seat."
6) "Have fun, behave yourself, and sweetie... Drive carefully."

So there it is, just a partial list of the reasons my mom really is the best. I am so SO blessed. Happy belated mothers day everyone!!

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