Friday, March 13, 2009

A Friendship Renewed

So a number of years ago, I became friends with a couple who were very close with my boyfriend at the time. I loved hanging out at their place, and getting to know their little girl who was then 2 years old and just starting to talk. I was very excited to learn that they were expecting twins. We spent quite a bit of time with them, and I really connected with them. And then said boyfriend and I broke up.

Honestly, there were times when I think I missed this couple more than the boyfriend. But I didn't want to invite myself in to what I perceived to be "his territory." I was excited for them when when I heard the twins were born, but being unsure of the appropriate way to get into contact with them, I did nothing.

Well yesterday the mom and the 3 little girls (including the twins whose third birthday happened to be yesterday!) and two of their friends were on an "adventure" exploring the town, and ended up at our school. When R (the mom) recognized me, I took a second to figure out who she was - I didn't recognize her from far away without my glasses on, and she had a toque on! She right away told me that they had missed me, and I got all choked up when I told her the feeling was mutual... As we talked some more, she said the ex tends not to be around as much and she thinks it would be fine to have me over for a visit again sometime soon. I am so looking forward to that call.

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