Wednesday, July 16, 2008

looong overdue

Father's Day came and went a while back, and as with mother's day (only moreso), I am *very* tardy in my recognition of that fact. My dad did get the usual visit, small gift & card, with the appropriate sentiments, and I should say before I go further that I don't do that stuff out of obligation, but out of appreciation. (Hence the not really caring about the specific date of fathers day).

Dad, I think I basically said it all in the card, but for those of you who don't know my dad, here's what's so darn great about him.

1) He's patient. Not to say he never gets angry, but when he finally gets exasperated, it's warranted. ;-)
2) He's musical. Mom is too, but it was Dad that was up there on that stage at all those local talent shows playing guitar so I could sing my little heart out.
3) I'm trying to find the word here... rock solid? steady? grounded? There is just something about his presence in my life that makes me calmer and I think somewhat more grounded myself than I might otherwise be.
4) He's respectful. Perhaps the most significant thing he taught me, without even saying it directly, was that I deserve respect. Again, mom taught me that too, but I think it has a different effect coming from a significant male role model...
5) He is probably the hardest working man I know. And another significant lesson I learned from him was to follow my heart - when I was in high school, he quit his job of 20+ years, and decided to farm full time & run his own business on his terms. I'm sure that wasn't a simple decision to make, but I'm also quite certain it was the right one for him, and I know we all benefitted from a much more relaxed dad that first harvest!
6) He lives his faith. His actions are grounded in his values. I have learned a lot about integrity from my dad.
7) He's a very handy guy to have around.... Installing light fixtures, doing garage renovations, installing flooring... Much like my wish that I had paid more attention in the kitchen with my mom, I wish I had followed my dad around doing those tasks a bit more too!

I could go on and on, but I'm sure even this much has managed to embarrass him... Sorry dad, but I think the whole world should know that my dad really *IS* the greatest dad ever. ;-)

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