Tuesday, October 7, 2008

For this, I give thanks

In case you just tuned in to this blog, I have been VERY delinquent in posting regularly. Here's the thing: I started this blog to record things that amuse me or inspire me, to share them with others, and to refer to them later when I need a pick-me-up. Well. Good. Only problem is, I am easily amused, and often inspired. And there's no way I'd have time to blog about it all! So here (in no particular order)are some things that have amused and/or inspired me in the past weeks and months:

1) Relationship Matters - A two day lecture by Dr. Gordon Neufeld about developmental psychology, attachment theory, and how we can harness the power of relationships as educators, parents, spouses, etc. He inspired AND amused. After 2 days of sitting in church pews listening and taking notes, I was up for a couple more days of his food-for-my-soul.

2) Democracy in action. I went to a standing-room-only all-candidates forum today in preparation for the election. The inspiring bits were: the variety in our candidates (age, race, gender, etc), the number of people who got up to ask questions, and the fact that the turnout was so good.

3) Friends. Way back in August, I attended a friend's daughter's fourth birthday party, with grandparents and immediate family only. To be included in the family like that was a very precious thing. I've said it before and I'll say it again. I am so, SO blessed to have the friends and the family that I have.

4) Thanksgiving. It may be my favorite holiday. I try to have a grateful attitude year round, but this time of year, with the beautiful fall colours around, and the brisk days requiring hot cups of tea/hot chocolate/coffee and cozy blankets, reminds me how lucky I am to have the luxury of spending time just being still. (On weekends, you understand; Work is way too crazy for that right now!) This year will be extra special because aside from going to Edmonton to visit the bf (having already celebrated thxgvg with my immediate family last weekend), my younger brother will be driving up to join us for part of the weekend. It will be the first time the three of us have spent quality time together just us, and I'll be cooking my first turkey!

5) Our students. Wow, this year has a unique feel to it at our learning centre. We are physically very nearly full every day, and yet the space is often nearly silent because everyone is so focused. I am so inspired by all these individuals that overcome a hundred barriers just to get there, and then still manage to focus on school work and hand lots of stuff in (a sure sign of progress!)

6) Facing my apprehensions (not fears exactly, but still requiring courage.) I am embarking on an adventure that will require every ounce of creativity I can muster. I am (thankfully) supported by a friend on this project, but I am nervous because it is something I have always wanted to do, and I really want it to turn out perfect, even though I know I'll never be 100% satisfied with it. Still, I was inspired by a student of mine, who, upon hearing that it was something I'd always dreamed of doing, challenged me with, "so what's stopping you?" Coming from someone who's had far more obstacles in her life, I had to take that to heart. And within a couple of days, the ball was rolling. What it came down to was realizing that I'd rather do it imperfectly than not do it at all ... (and I'll eventually reveal the project when I have a better idea what it's going to look like... still in preliminary planning stages!) :-) Carpe diem, right?

That's it for now. There's way more, but it's late, and I do Wednesdays much better on a good night's sleep! :-)

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