Monday, January 12, 2009

Right Where I Need to Be

Hmmmm... over a month since my last post. Ya. Sorry about that.

Ever feel like the universe is speaking to you? Like all signs are pointing to go, and there's nothing to do but seize the opportunity in front of you? Last month I heard about some beginner guitar classes happening in my community. Group adult classes, guitars provided, once-a-week, for a reasonable length of time, at a reasonable price (ie, low commitment required).

Now, if I had an official "Life List" or "Bucket List" as some call it, learning to play guitar would be on it...near the top, actually. But the hold up has been that "guitar" isn't high enough up my list of upcoming somewhat-major purchases to warrant having been purchased yet. So the "guitars provided" bit was what clinched it for me. So I signed up.

And I've been excited about it ever since. But we had our first lesson tonight, and ... I'm even more excited now! It came pretty easily, which I attribute mostly to my background in music. But I knew I was right where I needed to be when one of the songs the instructor had us start learning was one of my favorite songs - and one that I've had to have other people play for me when I've performed it. Turns out, it can be played with only 3 chords... not like the recording exactly, mind you, but it got me way more excited about the idea of practicing in between lessons! Okay, Universe, I get it already!! I'll buy a guitar!! :-)

But until I get time to shop around a little, anyone got one I could borrow?? ;-)

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