Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's been a while...

So the cruise was fantastic, thanks for asking. :-) Of course there's lots to say about it, but there was one thing in particular that I remember on the very first day thinking, "I should blog about that."

Our transfer bus from the Houston airport to the port at Galveston was driven by a very large, very boisterous gentleman who was likely in his sixties... He informed us, just as he sat down to embark on our short journey, that he was a retired football player. (I'm sorry to all you football fans, but we never got his name. I also didn't recognize any of the players he mentioned playing with... but I did hear something about superbowl ring(s))...

Anyway, as I said, he was retired. And now he spends a couple of days a week driving this bus, and he donates his earnings to Big Brothers Big Sisters. Of course, aside from that fact that the particular organization he's helping is pretty close to my heart, I couldn't help but think that if everyone did something like that in their lives, the world would be a significantly better place.

I've always said that if I win the lottery, I'll keep working, but I'll do it for free (of course, I'd have to buy a lottery ticket first...) But this busdriver really had a win-win situation going. The organization benefits from the dollars, the bus company benefits from having an enthusiastic employee who's figured out how to make meaning from what I can imagine would otherwise be a pretty dull job, and the driver has a reason to get up every day and feel good about what he's done with his time.

Mr. Nameless Busdriver... I salute you!! :-)

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