Tuesday, March 4, 2008


We have a lot of amazing students at the place where I work. It sounds corny, but each is really amazing in their own way. I learn more about inner strength and beauty with each day that I work there.

In particular, one of our students is a 17-year-old girl who shall remain anonymous. She has had a rough time of it when it comes to growing up. Yet somehow, she continues to grow. The word resilient doesn't begin to cover it. That Great Big Sea quote, "She might stumble if they push her 'round. She might fall, but she'll never lie down," reminds me of her. So do Carolyn Arends' lyrics:

"I’ve heard it said there’s got to be a crack or two
For the light to get through
It seems to me that you are meant to be the kind
Who shines"

But instead of going on and on quoting songs that make me think of her, how about I just share the quotes from her journal that she was willing to share with us at school...

"I always felt like I never had a place in this world but day by day I slowly see the evolving inner beauty of myself. I realize better now than ever before that without the bad things in my life I would not be the person I am today. I am not normal…I am excellent. I am precious and untouchable.

I write to feel, I write to forget, I write to stay alive, and for the first time I am writing to heal.

One day I will make a difference you’ll see, whether it’s great or small I will be there and be strong throughout it all."

This young lady is clearly a force to be reckoned with.

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